
Dziękuję wszystkim za wspaniałą współpracę oraz udzielone mi rekomendacje.

5 komentarzy:

  1. Anonimowy1/04/2011

    I was cooperating with Monika, when she was running university for old people, i had a pleasure to see how quickly, responsible, and in advance she can plan what she expects from her guests; in addition she is full of energy and new ideas, so i recommend her as your future cultural work mate.

  2. Opinion of a concert organized by Monika Burzykowska for my Polish band “Orientacja na Orient”

    In the day of 10.06.2010 I performed at Dom Kultury Gora Kalwaria – Poland (Cultural Centre at Gora Kalwaria near to Warsaw) a concert with my Polish group “Orientacja na Orient” ( It was organized by Monika Burzykowska. The management has been excellent. Both– organization and realization – have been done in a very proper way. We were informed exactly about conditions, place, expectations, sound equipment etc. The concert has been prepared very well. Scenery was nice, sound equipment was good and ready to be used much time before the concert. So we could check all instruments’ sound and be sure that all is OK.
    And – last by not least – the payment was good and our fee has been paid immediately after the concert. So we are very glad of this performing.
    Lucjan Wesolowski (Lucyan) via Prà Molin,10 B
    37132 Verona Italy mobile phone +39/348 /4468509 fax +39/045 /972491

    email (

  3. Anonimowy1/04/2011

    Pani Monika dała się poznać jako wiarygodna i terminowa osoba podczas współpracy w UTW na prowadzonych przeze mnie warsztatach w semestrze zimowym w minionym 2010r.
    Posiada wysokie umiejętności komunikacyjne.Twórcza i chętna do pomocy. Bardzo cenię u Pani Moniki dużą elastyczność w bieżących kontaktach.
    Współpraca z Panią Moniką zakończyła się wspólnym osobistym sukcesem.
    Katarzyna Węgrzyn,
    84-240 Reda, Polska.
    +48/507 138 665

  4. Anonimowy1/16/2011

    Kamil Florczak

    I had a privilege of working with Monika on a project „Lato w miescie” at Dom Kultury in Gora Kalwairia, Poland. My work by serving as an English translator and culture animator, has been more pleasurable and efficient mostly thanks to Monika’s experience in those areas. From the very first day of my work in Kalwaria, Monika has showed herself to be a well-prepared, efficient and responsible team leader. The most inspiring and helpful matter for of our team, and personally for myself, was that Monika was always opened to knew ideas that we wanted to put into action. If our ideas, work plans, tasks which we prepared for our daily work with children needed any correction, Monika has always been a reliable source of information and feedback. Although she was our boss , she never acted like one, she always listened and treated equally all people who worked with her. The atmosphere around her was never dull nor stressful , but full of positive energy and friendship, thanks to her energetic personality she always encouraged us to not be afraid of expressing our ideas – being creative. She was a great team player. Working with her was a pleasure and an invaluable source of feedback, which will most definetly pay dividends in my future work as an cultural animator and pedagogue. I totally and with pleasure recommend Monika highly as your future cultural work mate.

  5. I was co-operating with Mrs Monika Burzykowska in 2009 as part of University for Senior Citizens in Gora Kalwaria where I conducted lectures on theory of narration and method of applied drama.
    From the beginning of our co-operation I was struck by Mrs Monika's high degree of commitment in the preparation and realisation of the programme. Mrs Monika was present during the lectures, motivated the participants and helped them.
    Particularly I would like to emphasise the quality of Mrs Monika's contact with participants – her friendly relationship with the elderly people and her great kindness towards the lecturers.
    In the light of the above I would like to recommend Mrs Monika Burzykowska as a person who combines organisational skills with fine personal qualities.

    Aldona Żejmo-Kudelska
    Drama Way
    Centre for Training and Development
